TOMCAT - Something's Coming On Wrong

TOMCAT - Something's Coming On Wrong - CD


4.99 €
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Genre(s): Rock / Hardrock
Label: On Parole
Release date: 20.01.2017
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Tomcat approached to the recording of Something's Coming On The Wrong in the manner of the 21st century - in the improvised studios and with the help of friends. A lot of help to them was producer Alex Volasko who worked on serious project in harder music for the first time.

Album Something's Coming On Wrong is exactly what the title suggests - something is wrong. This “wrong” is not necessarily bad, just unexpected. This time Tomcat added their basic hard rock a new dimension, so you can hear admixtures of funk, grunge and metal, but above all the album is modern and firmly anchored in the year 2017. Compared to debut Bits N ' Pieces, Something's Coming On The Wrong is a major step forward in lyrical terms. This time the guys critically observe their surroundings and tell their views in the lyrics without embellishments. Particularly sharp arrow is the song Carnium, dedicated to city of Kranj, to which group gravitates one way or another. However, Tomcat are still humorous, as you can hear in the track Smell The Funk. The stories for themselves are ballads Last Letter and One Left that requires great deal of concentration and repeated listening.